Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blogger: TJ Morris ET Spirit Guide - All posts

Blogger: TJ Morris ET Spirit Guide - All posts

ET Spirit Guide TJ Morris shares the Ascension Culture Energetics as an Ascension Avatar Oracle Tarot Reader for her Guests. Call in 347-945-7207or Skype In.
Author, radio personality and spiritual intuitive, Theresa J Morris is the host of TJ Morris ET Radio and the Founder of the Metaphysical Institute of Ascension Center Energetics. She is the author of books and hundreds of articles that have been published worldwide. She has appeared on radio and television and is an eclectic soul as an investigative reporter. TJ covers topics in her passion as a mystery explorer in body-mind-spirit health and prosperity. TJ is best known for healing intuition, ancient mysteries, cosmology, metaphysics, parapsychology, ufology, and the universal mind. Theresa who prefers to go by TJ founded the original Ascension Center and Psychic Network. Tj began the ACE Folklife Artists-Authors Club and has a small business TJ Morris Treasure Shop. TJ Morris ET Contactee does Tarot Readings on Tuesdays, Ascension Center Energetics on Wednesdays, Alien Contact Org Sat. and Ace Metaphysical Institute on Sundays with Cosmos Time Topics.
TJ Morris ET Radio

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TJ Morris ET Spirit Guide

ET Spirit Guide TJ Morris shares the Ascension Culture Energetics as an Ascension Avatar Oracle Tarot Reader for her Guests. Call in 347-945-7207or Skype In.
Author, radio personality and spiritual intuitive, Theresa J Morris is the host of TJ Morris ET Radio and the Founder of the Metaphysical Institute of Ascension Center Energetics. She is the author of books and hundreds of articles that have been published worldwide. She has appeared on radio and television and is an eclectic soul as an investigative reporter. TJ covers topics in her passion as a mystery explorer in body-mind-spirit health and prosperity. TJ is best known for healing intuition, ancient mysteries, cosmology, metaphysics, parapsychology, ufology, and the universal mind. Theresa who prefers to go by TJ founded the original Ascension Center and Psychic Network. Tj began the ACE Folklife Artists-Authors Club and has a small business TJ Morris Treasure Shop. TJ Morris ET Contactee does Tarot Readings on Tuesdays, Ascension Center Energetics on Wednesdays, Alien Contact Org Sat. and Ace Metaphysical Institute on Sundays with Cosmos Time Topics.